Birthright of Owensboro is looking for Adult volunteers, M-Th 9:00-12:00, Fri 9:00am-1:00pm
Birthright is located at 1724 Triplett St. and can be reached at (270) 926-7561. Please contact Joni Blair if interested.
There is a need in our Parish for some of our Parishioners that don't drive or have transportation to come to Mass.
We are looking for a person or persons that would be willing to carpool for Jesus to the Saturday evening Mass.
Please call the office at (270) 684-6888 if this speaks to your heart.
St. Vincent de Paul Society at Precious Blood Church is currently in need of volunteers. Our office here at Precious Blood is open Monday and Thursday 9:00 to 11:00.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Christian voluntary organization, working with people experiencing poverty and disadvantage. St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to feeding, clothing, housing, and healing individuals and families in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help.
Anyone interested in joining Precious Blood St. Vincent de Paul Society can attend our monthly meeting on the second Monday of each month @ 5:30 p.m. here at the parish hall. Thanks in advance for your help.
Members of Precious Blood Parish have always been generous in helping the poor in our community by donating to our parish's St. Vincent de Paul Society. With the rising number of people in our area in need of utility assistance, our St. Vincent de Paul is struggling financially to assist those in need. Please prayerfully consider donating to this cause. Donations can be placed in the collection basket or bring by the Parish Office during office hours.
SVDP is in need of the following items: diapers, wipes, toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, dishwashing liquid, canned corn, mixed vegetables, beans, pork & beans, baked beans, instant potatoes, gravy, snacks, canned fruit, crackers, peanut butter, jelly, canned meat, tuna, cereal, dried milk, macaroni & cheese, soups, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, Spaghetti O's, Ravioli. Items can be brought to church or dropped off at the Parish Office.
Help St. Vincent de Paul in Owensboro...
recycle your stained, torn, outdated clothing!
When you help St. Vincent de Paul by recycling unwanted clothing and textiles, you provide three main benefits: fund local St. Vincent de Paul programs, reduce solid waste, and provide economic stimulus and employment.
Drop off your unwanted clothing: St. Vincent - Thrift Store, 200 East 18th Street!
Help Us Help Others!
Every day more children are coming into foster care and they need a good home in which to stay for a while! So please become a foster parent and help a child! For more information, please call (866) 332-0014 or contact your local Dept. for Community Based Services
Martin Luther King Junior said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, "What are you doing for others?"
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Help Office of Owensboro, Inc. We are open 4 days a week and rely on volunteers to deliver our services. The basic requirements for volunteering at the Help Office are compassion, and the desire to make an impact in the lives of the less fortunate in our community. In 2018, we provided 78,320 meals for our clients, clothing to 5,492 clients (no cost), and emergency assistance for rent and utilities to 3,196 individuals to help them avoid becoming homeless.
We provide on-the-job training (no orientation session) and continuing support. We urge you to come in, try things out and find what works for you. We are flexible and grateful for your interest. Here is a brief description of what our volunteers do: welcome the clients and prepare them for the interview clients, answer the phone and prepare files, assist in the food pantry and assist in the clothing closet.
Help for the less fortunate begins at the Help Office. Local churches and organizations require clients to visit us firstto receive a voucher before they will assist with any emergency needs. Please visit us at 1316 W. 4th Street, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00am -12:00pm or call (270) 685-4971
Please consider taking a holy hour at the Carmel Home. Please call the Carmel Home at (270) 683-0227
St. Gerard, Catholic Charities home for women in crisis pregnancy, needs volunteers. Any volunteer should be safe - environment certified. To volunteer, please call (270) 683-1545
Volunteering your time and talent to assist the Ursuline Sisters of Mount St. Joseph is a rewarding way to give back to the sisters. There are various opportunities to serve, from visiting the sisters in St. Joseph Villa, to helping in the archives or other offices, to preparing fruits and vegetables straight out of the gardens at Maple Mount. If you would like to volunteer, call (270) 229-2006. You can also visit our website and fill out the online form: Volunteer Form
A background check and some training is required.
Sign up to share a little kindness. We need to spread a little kindness and joy to make our world a better place. The Ursuline Sisters of Mount St. Joseph, following the teachings of St. Angela Merici, have responded to the needs of the world for over 400 years - spreading kindness. We invite you to follow their example through a Kindness Campaign. You may know a person who is homebound, ill or low-spirited, or you may wish to be kind to a local or government official. For $50, we will send one custom card a month for the next year to the person of your choice with words of inspiration and encouragement. You are both spreading kindness and helping the Ursuline Sisters continue their ministry.
To request an order form, call (270) 229-2008 or use the Donate button on our website:
"When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you? And the king will reply, Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." These words from Matthew 25:39-40, remind us that we need to bring the hope of Jesus to jail inmates. Each Sunday afternoon, teams of at least two people visit the men and women inmates at the Daviess County Detention Center, sharing Scripture, prayer and encouragement that God has not forgotten them. New members are needed to make one visit per month.
Please prayerfully consider participating in this wonderful ministry. Men can contact Fr. Ray Clark at (270) 231-1705. Women can contact Joy Bach at (270) 685-3743 r (270) 993-6195
Hospice of Western Kentucky welcome dedicated, compassionate volunteers to provide support to patients and their families in Daviess, Hancock, Hopkins and Muhlenberg counties. Volunteers are an integral part of the hospice team. For more information on becoming a Hospice Volunteer give us a call at (270) 926-7565
Parents who lose a child before birth often mourn the ability to physically embrace that child. If you have experienced such a loss, know that you are not alone. The Catholic family of western Kentucky embraces you as a supportive community during this time of grief, whether you experienced your loss many years ago or very recently. We encourage families to find ways to remember the children they have lost through miscarriage or stillbirth.
Embrace Ministry is a community of parents who have gone through the process already and are here to help. It is our hope and prayer that this brochure brings you the comfort of knowing you are not alone. Whether you experienced a miscarriage early in your pregnancy or full term; whether if was recently or years ago; whether it was you or someone in your family; we are here for you. To speak to someone who knows the pain you are going through contact the Office of Marriage and Family Life at (270) 683-1545 or you may email
St. Benedict Homeless Shelter (A temporary refuge for the homeless men in our community) needs many items including towels, wash cloths, cleaning supplies, 13 and 55 gallon garbage bags, paper plates, paper towels, 8 ounce foam cups, cereal, sugar, razors, deodorant, body wash, shampoo, Tylenol and Ibuprofen.
Donations may be dropped off before noon on weekdays or any day after 6:00pm at 1001 W. 7th Street.
Volunteers needed -- Please consider helping!! If you are available even once a month, please call or text Angela Settle, at (270) 316-2328. Angela will provide training and allow you to shadow another volunteer as needed: shifts are 6:00 - 10:00pm, 10:00pm - 2:00am, 2:00-6:00am, 6:00-8:00am. Occupancy never exceeds 20 and currently ranges from 9-12 women, sometimes accompanied by children. You will find it a rewarding use of your time to serve the poor.
Meal Train is a way to give support to anyone in our parish who is recovering from surgery, has had a baby or has an illness in the family and could us a nice home cooked meal brought to them. If you are interested in signing up to particpate in Precious Blood's Meal Train, please contact Jeannie Howard at (270) 570-1384
A girl facing a difficult decision regarding the life of her unborn baby needs YOU. A baby whose mom is thinking about abortion needs YOU. You can help her and her baby. OFL is a ministry of the Kentucky Catholic Bishops serving abortion vulnerable women and men. Volunteers offer hope, compassion, options, counseling and resources to callers who find the courage to seek help. Volunteers are needed to staff the 24 hour helpline from their homes. If you have a heart for life affirming ministry, please call 1-888-496-3638 to learn more about this ministry and a training workshop in the diocese.