The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and meaningful part of our Catholic tradition. In our Catholic Parish, there are MANY requests for scheduling such Mass intentions. A $5 minimum stipend is requested as determined by diocesan policy. Please provide a separate check or cash for the Mass intention. The check should not be included with your regular tithe to the church. One Mass every weekend is scheduled for the People of the Parish (Pro Populo) as required by Canon Law and Diocesan Statute. Please be patient, as we try to get all of these masses honored.
Staff Meeting: Tuesday, Feb 18th, 10:00am
Pastoral Council Meeting: Tuesday, Feb 18th, 6:00pm
Religious Ed: Wednesday, Feb 19th, 6:45pm
Choir Practice: Wednesday, Feb 19th, 6:45pm
OCIA: Thursday, Feb 20th, 6:00pm-7:30pm
Finance Meeting: Thursday, Feb 20th, 6:00pm
Stump the Pastor and Deacons Potluck:Sunday, Feb 16th, 4:30pm-6:00pm, Parish Hall, Please bring an appetizer to share
Extended Adoration: Wednesday, Feb 19th, 9:00am-9:00pm
Confessions: Wednesday, Feb 19th, 5:00pm
Mass: Wednesday, Feb 19th, 6:00pm
Home Mass: Friday, Feb 21st, 6:00pm
Spiritual Warfare and Discernment: Saturday, Feb 22nd, 9:00-11:00am in the Parish Hall
KC Sausage Sale: Sunday, February 23rd, last day to order sausage.
St. Vincent De Paul office hours: Monday, 9:00-11:00am
Thursday, 9:00-11:00am
Bulletin Information
Any information that needs to go in the bulletin must be submitted by Monday afternoon in order to be added in time to go in the next weekends bulletin. Please submit the information to the office in writing or by email at
We ask that you please notify the Parish Office at (270) 684-6888 any time there is a phone number or email address change. Thanks for your attention to this!
We appreciate any updates that you might have on family members who are sick. We also ask that you notify us upon admission of a family member into any hospital or nursing home or if you have a family member who has recently passed away and would like to have it posted in the bulletin.
Would you like us to pray for you?
If you have a special prayer intention and would like to add it to the Prayer Chain, please call
Sharon Bumm at (270) 315-9375 or Vickie Osborne at (270) 314-8314
The gift shop is open from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The gift shop can also be opened with an advanced request, and is open to retreat groups at the Mount by arrangement.
The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph Gift Shop offers an array of one-of-a-kind handcrafted items, some of which are made by the Ursuline Sisters, while also offering a wide array of gift ideas for any occasion.
Mount Saint Joseph T-shirts and fleece jackets are great mementos to take home after a visit. Traditional and specialty rosaries, as well as holy cards are a popular item at the gift shop. If you need a gift for someone taking that important step into the next sacrament, welcoming a new baby, or just commemorating an important day, the gift shop has many options to choose from. Picture frames, statuary and other collectibles from Mount Saint Joseph can be just the answer when you want a gift with a deeper spirituality to it.
You can reach the Gift Shop by calling 270-229-4103. You can also email